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Pat Contri’s Birthday, Family, Bio

Who is Pat Contri? In the vast world of YouTube stars, one name stands out as a true pioneer and gaming aficionado: Pat Contri.

Born on May 9, 1980, in New Jersey, this Taurus-born sensation has captivated audiences worldwide with his deep knowledge of video games and his engaging, informative content. At 43 years old, Pat Contri has become a household name in the online gaming community, with a dedicated following that eagerly awaits each new video he releases.

Before Fame

Before achieving YouTube stardom, Pat Contri’s journey into the world of gaming began in his childhood. Growing up in New Jersey, he developed a passion for video games at an early age.

Spending countless hours glued to his Nintendo Entertainment System, Pat Contri honed his skills and developed an encyclopedic knowledge of the gaming industry. This initial love for gaming would lay the groundwork for his future success and paved the way for his now-iconic YouTube channel.

Pat Contri’s rise to fame started in 2013 when he created the “Pat the NES Punk” YouTube channel. This channel quickly gained traction due to Pat’s unparalleled knowledge of retro games, his witty humor, and engaging personality.

Whether it was providing insightful reviews, discussing gaming history, or sharing his own personal gaming treasures, Pat Contri’s unique blend of charisma and expertise struck a chord with viewers. As Pat Contri’s following grew, he expanded his content to include other aspects of gaming culture.

He launched the “Completely Unnecessary Podcast” in 2014, where he and his co-host discussed gaming news, trends, and their own personal gaming experiences. This podcast became an instant hit among gamers, further establishing Pat Contri as a leading voice in the industry.

Not one to rest on his laurels, Pat Contri continued to diversify his content and explore new avenues within the gaming world. In 2017, he released a book titled “Ultimate Nintendo: Guide to the NES Library,” which garnered critical acclaim and further solidified his reputation as a gaming expert.

The book, which featured detailed reviews of every game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System, became a must-have for gaming enthusiasts and collectors alike. In addition to his YouTube channel, podcast, and book, Pat Contri has showcased his talents as a public speaker at various gaming conventions and events.

His engaging presentations and panels have captivated audiences and further cemented his status as a respected figure in the gaming industry.


From his humble beginnings as a young boy with a passion for video games to his status as a YouTube star, Pat Contri’s journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. With his vast knowledge of gaming history, his infectious enthusiasm, and his engaging personality, Pat Contri has carved out a unique place for himself in the gaming community.

As he continues to create informative and entertaining content, fans eagerly anticipate what this gaming icon has in store next.


Beyond his impressive YouTube presence, Pat Contri has amassed an impressive arsenal of gaming trivia. With his encyclopedic knowledge and passion for video games, it’s no wonder that audiences flock to his channel to learn more about the industry they love.

Pat’s ability to recall even the most obscure gaming facts has earned him a reputation as a go-to source for trivia. Whether it’s discussing lesser-known game titles, sharing fun facts about classic consoles, or uncovering hidden easter eggs in popular games, Pat Contri’s trivia prowess never fails to impress.

One of Pat Contri’s notable trivia endeavors is his “NES Marathon,” which he has been hosting annually since 2012. This event involves streaming live gameplay sessions of NES games for an incredible 24 hours straight, with the goal of raising money for charity.

During the marathon, Pat Contri not only showcases his gaming skills but also shares interesting trivia tidbits about each game he plays. This event has become a fan-favorite and a testament to Pat’s dedication to both gaming and philanthropy.

In addition to his own trivia pursuits, Pat Contri has also been featured as a gaming expert on various television programs. His expertise and entertaining presentation style have made him a sought-after guest, and he has appeared on shows such as “VH1’s The List,” “The Wired and Ready Report,” and “The Breakfast Club.” These appearances have allowed Pat to reach a wider audience, further solidifying his reputation as a well-respected figure in the gaming industry.

Family Life

While Pat Contri’s professional life may revolve around video games, his personal life is just as important to him. Pat has been married to his wife, Lisa, since 2012, and they have built a life together that is centered around their shared passions and interests.

Lisa has been a vital part of Pat’s YouTube channel, often appearing in his videos and providing her own unique perspective on gaming. Their playful banter and genuine chemistry have endeared them to fans, making the channel feel like a warm, welcoming space for all viewers.

In 2018, Pat and Lisa welcomed their first child, a son named Max. The couple has embraced parenthood with open arms, and Pat often shares heartwarming moments of fatherhood on his channel.

From introducing Max to classic video games to sharing their love for all things geeky, Pat and Lisa are passing down their passion for gaming to the next generation. Despite their public personas, Pat and Lisa strive to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

They treasure their time together as a family and make sure to prioritize their relationships with each other and with their son. This dedication to their personal lives shines through in their content, as it exudes authenticity and a genuine love for what they do.



Pat Contri’s journey from a young boy with a passion for video games to a prominent YouTube star has been marked by his unparalleled knowledge, engaging personality, and dedication to his craft. With his trivia prowess and ability to captivate audiences, Pat has made a lasting impact on the gaming community.

Furthermore, his commitment to family and his role as a father adds another layer of authenticity to his content. As Pat Contri continues to entertain and educate through his YouTube channel, fans eagerly anticipate the next chapter in his gaming adventures.

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