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Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin’s Birthday, Family, Bio

About Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin

Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin, born on July 10, 1922, in Germany, is a well-known figure in German history. His life is filled with extraordinary achievements, remarkable contributions, and a relentless pursuit for justice.

This article will delve into two main topics: an overview of who Kleist-Schmenzin is and the events that shaped his life before he gained fame.

Before Fame

1. Early Life and Education

Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin was born into a prestigious German noble family.

His parents, Hermann and Marie von Kleist-Schmenzin, instilled in him a strong sense of duty and honor. At a young age, he displayed remarkable intelligence and curiosity, which led him to excel in his studies.

He attended the renowned Bismarck-Gymnasium in Berlin, where he developed his critical thinking skills, laying the foundation for his future endeavors. 2.

Influence of Family Background

Growing up in a family with a long history of military service, Kleist-Schmenzin was inspired by his ancestors’ bravery and patriotism. This heritage ignited his desire to contribute to his country.

The stories of his great-grandfather, who fought in the Napoleonic Wars, and his grandfather, who served in World War I, fueled his passion for defending Germany. 3.

World War II and Resistance

During World War II, Kleist-Schmenzin joined the German Army, believing in an independent and united Germany. However, as the war progressed, he witnessed firsthand the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime.

Deeply troubled, he became involved in the resistance movement against Adolf Hitler’s oppressive regime. 4.

The Failed Plot to Assassinate Hitler

Kleist-Schmenzin played a crucial role in Operation Valkyrie, a plot to assassinate Hitler in July 1944. As a member of the German Resistance, he worked alongside Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg to carry out this daring plan.

Kleist-Schmenzin was responsible for bringing Stauffenberg, disguised as a courier, to the Wolf’s Lair, Hitler’s headquarters in East Prussia. Sadly, the attempt failed, and Kleist-Schmenzin narrowly escaped execution.

5. Imprisonment and Release

Following the failed assassination, Kleist-Schmenzin was arrested and imprisoned by the Gestapo.

He endured months of harsh interrogation and torment, yet he remained steadfast in his belief in a better Germany. In February 1945, he was miraculously released due to the chaos of the collapsing Nazi regime.

This experience only strengthened his resolve to contribute to a democratic and peaceful Germany. 6.

Post-War Contributions

After the war, Kleist-Schmenzin dedicated himself to rebuilding Germany and promoting reconciliation. He actively participated in various initiatives, such as the founding of the Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss, which provided essential support to students affected by the war.

Additionally, he played a significant role in the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), a political party dedicated to fostering unity and democratic values in post-war Germany. 7.

International Contributions

Furthermore, Kleist-Schmenzin’s commitment to peace extended beyond Germany’s borders. He co-founded the Munich Security Conference, an influential annual gathering that facilitates dialogue among global leaders to address pressing security challenges.

This initiative played a pivotal role in fostering cooperation and fostering understanding between nations during the Cold War and beyond. In conclusion, Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin’s life is a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the pursuit of justice.

From his early upbringing to his courageous involvement in the resistance movement against Hitler, he stood up for what was right, even in the face of grave danger. His post-war contributions to rebuilding Germany and promoting global peace mark him as an influential figure in history.

Kleist-Schmenzin’s legacy serves as a reminder of the importance of courage, integrity, and perseverance in creating a better world.


1. Awards and Honors

Throughout his life, Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin received numerous awards and honors for his contributions to society.

In recognition of his wartime bravery, he was awarded the Iron Cross, an esteemed military decoration. Additionally, for his tireless efforts in promoting peace and reconciliation, Kleist-Schmenzin was awarded the Peace Medal of the German Book Trade in 2002.

These accolades reflect the high esteem in which he is held by his peers and the wider community. 2.

Cultural Contributions

Kleist-Schmenzin possessed a deep appreciation for the arts and cultivated a lifelong interest in cultural activities. He was an ardent supporter of the theater and an advocate for preserving Germany’s rich cultural heritage.

Kleist-Schmenzin often attended performances and exhibitions, promoting emerging artists and helping to fund their work. His love of the arts demonstrated his belief in the power of culture to bring people together and inspire positive change.

Family Life

1. Marriage and Children

Kleist-Schmenzin enjoyed a fulfilling family life.

In 1956, he married Freya von Moltke, who shared his commitment to social justice and peace. Freya was an active member of the German Resistance and played a vital role in supporting her husband’s endeavors.

Their partnership was characterized by mutual respect, love, and shared values. The couple had two children, Konrad and Franziska.

Kleist-Schmenzin instilled in his children the same principles of integrity, social responsibility, and the importance of actively standing up for one’s beliefs. In this supportive environment, both Konrad and Franziska thrived and went on to contribute in their own respective fields.

2. Legacy

Kleist-Schmenzin’s commitment to social justice and peace has been passed down through generations.

His children, Konrad and Franziska, have continued his work, dedicating themselves to causes such as human rights, sustainable development, and democracy promotion. They have carried forward their father’s values and embraced his philosophy of making a positive impact on the world.

Furthermore, the von Kleist family has a long and illustrious history. Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin’s ancestors, dating back to the 13th century, have made significant contributions to German society, particularly in the realms of military service, politics, and cultural patronage.

The family’s commitment to higher ideals and the betterment of Germany continues to inspire generations to come.


Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin’s life and accomplishments leave a lasting legacy. From his early years as a young student to his active role in the resistance against Hitler, Kleist-Schmenzin’s unwavering commitment to justice has left an indelible mark on German history.

His post-war contributions to rebuilding Germany and fostering peace have further cemented his reputation as a visionary leader. Beyond his personal achievements, Kleist-Schmenzin’s marriage, children, and family legacy reflect the values he held dear and continue to inspire others to strive for a better, more compassionate world.

Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin’s life stands as a testament to the power of courage, determination, and a steadfast belief in the pursuit of justice.

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